The XYZ type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CopyXyz |
This function returns a copy of the XYZ object: u = v.copy()
| |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Module |
Module of a vector
| |
Normaliza |
Normalize the vector represented by the instante
| |
ScalarProduct | Overloaded. | |
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) | |
VectorialProduct |
This method represents the vectorial product between 2 XYZ instances
Name | Description | |
Addition |
This is the add operation between 2 instances of XYZ class
| |
Multiply | Overloaded. | |
Subtraction |
This is the difference operation between 2 instances of XYZ class
| |
UnaryNegation |
This is the negative operator
| |
UnaryPlus |
This is the positive operator