The GLSV type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
default constructor. Create the observer, display, Viewport and mode instance
initialize several OpenGl variables
Name | Description | |
ActivateModelBaseMatrix |
This method loads the view matrix based in the observer parameters.
It loads the identity matrix and then calls to the observer.LookAt method to set the view matrix
| |
ActivateProjectionBaseMatrix |
This method loads the projection matrix based in the observer parameters.
It loads the identity matrix and then calls to the observer.Perspective method to set the projection matrix
| |
AddSceneObject |
This method adds a new scene object to the list
| |
AddSceneSound |
This method adds a new scene sound to the list.
| |
DeleteTextures |
This method deletes texture names of all the sceneModels
It is recomended to use it before erasing GLSV object
| |
DisableBlend |
This method turns off blending
| |
DisableDepthTest |
Disables OpenGl depth test
| |
DisableLight |
This method turns off lighting
| |
DrawScene |
This is one important method. It draws the scene with all the objects.
| |
EnableBlend |
This method turns on blending
| |
EnableDepthTest |
Enables OpenGl depth test
| |
EnableLight |
This method turns on lighting
| |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
EraseLastSceneObject |
This method deletes the last scene object added to the list
| |
EraseSceneObject |
This methos is used to erase a scene object
| |
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
LookAt |
This is an important method because it sets the OpenGL view matrix. It uses all the params that we inizializate
when we call to setParams method and it take care about which eye is "open" so, in function of this factor it makes
a matrix that "sees" with the path_l, the path_r or the central eye.
| |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Perspective |
This is an important method because it sets the OpenGL projection matrix. It uses all the params that we inizializate
when we call to setParams method and it take care about which eye is "open" so, in function of this factor it makes
a matrix with perspective begining on the path_l, the path_r or the central eye.
| |
PopMatrix |
This method pops the projection and view matrix that we push before
| |
Project |
This method provides a funcionality for projecting a point that is in OpenGL space [mm]into Window space [pixel] looking through the selected eye
| |
ProjectProjectionPlane |
This method provides a funcionality for projecting a point that is in OpenGL space [mm]
to the Projection Plan [mm] looking through the selected eye
| |
PushMatrix |
This method pushes the projection and view matrix looking through the eye we want
| |
Redo |
This method manages redoStack
First stores in redoStack the current state
Then recover from undoStack the last state
| |
RefreshEngine |
This method makes us sure that all the engine objects have a reference to engine
| |
SaveImage |
Saves a Viewport shoot of the opengl control
| |
SetDisplayParams |
this method sets all the params that an display needs
| |
SetObserverParams |
this method sets all the params that an observer needs
| |
SetPointer3D | Overloaded. | |
SetViewportParams |
this method sets all the params that a Viewport needs
| |
StereoUnProject |
This method calculates a 3D point from its 2D path_l and path_r projections on projection plane
All the points in OpenGl space [mm]
| |
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Undo |
This method manages redoStack
First stores in redoStack the current state
Then recover from undoStack the last state
| |
UnProject |
This method provides a funcionality for projecting a point that is in OpenGL space [mm] into Window space [pixel] looking through the selected eye
Name | Description | |
ActiveModel |
Gets/Sets the selected model.
| |
Display |
Gets/sets the Display
| |
EventsManager |
Get/Set the engine object of MouseEvents class
| |
Observer |
Gets/sets the Observer
| |
Pivot |
Get/Set the pivot point to rotate the imodels arround it
| |
Pointer3D |
Gets/sets the Pointer3D
| |
Rot |
Get/Set the angle rot [radians] to rotate imodels arround a pivot point
| |
SceneModels |
Gets/sets the array list collection of IModels declared
| |
SceneSounds |
these is the Sound collection of objects
| |
Sound3D |
Gets/sets the Sound3D
| |
Viewport |
Gets/sets the Viewport
| |
VisionMode |
Gets/sets the mode that we use to draw the scene